Town Creek Park
Address: 1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL 36832
Admission: None
Acres: 75
Approximate miles of trails: 3 (including the trails on the Northeast side of South Gay Street, described below)
Hours: Sunrise to sunset
Trail surface: Mostly natural or small gravel, some concrete
City of Auburn
Town Creek Park
The park has nature trails around the pond and leading to Town Creek Cemetery and to nearby neighborhoods.
Picnic table
Restrooms & water fountains

Scout Nature Trail
The trailhead closest to Town Creek Park is at 32.58556,-85.47503. There is a second trailhead at 32.5888,-85.4732. The trail is mostly filled with invasive species like privet, kudzu, and wisteria, but it's an interesting environment to walk through with the privet trees arching over the path.

Auburn's Trail of Historically Significant Trees
This trail was created by the City of Auburn Tree Commission and the Auburn Parks and Recreation Department. The trees planted along the trail were grown from seeds from historically significant trees. Most were purchased from American Forests, but some are also local favorites, like a tree that grew from an acorn from one of the Toomer's Corner live oaks. Each tree has a sign describing the history of the tree it is grown from.
The trailhead is just across South Gay Street from Town Creek Park, at 32.5847, -85.4742.
City of Auburn